Phil Cooke

Phil Cooke is a filmmaker, media consultant and founder of Cooke Media Group in Los Angeles, California. His latest book is Ideas on a Deadline: How to Be Creative When the Clock is Ticking. Find out more at

Leading When You’re Not the Smartest or Most-Talented Person on the Team

Lessons Learned Working With Experienced Teammates

Why Digital Is No Longer Optional

What Will You Do With the Technologies Available to Your Church?

The Surprising Future of the Post-COVID Church

5 changes of the post-COVID church.

2 Reasons a Spiritual Leader’s Inner Circle Fails to Hold Them Accountable

Why the people closest to the leader hesitate to call out bad behavior

10 Principles for Building a Culture of Creativity

Cultivating the creative spirit that will carry your ministry beyond the pandemic

Stop Making ‘Christian’ Things

Jesus didn't make Christian furniture. He made good furniture.

Bringing Innovation to Your Livestream Services

How can we make our online offerings better?

5 Insights About the Post-COVID Church

The pandemic has permanently changed the way we think about church.