
Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

Everyday Evangelism

It all starts with a simple prayer to bring someone along your path today with whom you can share.

Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

God’s Kingdom Is a Utopia

Life in the kingdom of God is better than we can imagine.

The Danger of Culture Devoid of Religion

Culture cannot sustain itself without a religious framework. Studying the poet Matthew Arnold helps us understand why.

Where Did the Idea of Monks Originate?

There are several misconceptions about monks. Here's a brief history of where the word originated.

Deck the Church Halls This Christmas

Outreach, Inc.: Three new holiday suites will help you create a coordinated Christmas welcome for your guests.

Why Heaven Is a Lot Closer Than You Think

Jesus preached the good news that the kingdom of God is now available to us.

How Churches View Today’s Economy

LifeWay: Today, 45 percent of pastors see the economy as benefiting their church, while 35 percent say it is having no impact.

Revisiting Jesus’ Teachings on Heaven

John Ortberg: Eternity Is Now in Session

Learning to Read Theology Charitably

How do we read theology with a generous spirit of love for God and our neighbor?