Tag: truth

When Truth Is Not Popular

Billy Graham received criticism throughout his life simply for telling the truth. But we need truth more than ever.

The Beautiful, Electric Dynamic of Truth and Grace

We need churches that enable people to realize that yes, they are broken, but yes, they are also beloved.

Why Our Subjective Feelings Need God’s Objective Truth

We should seek the Lord’s will through the reading and study of His Word, prayer, and the wise counsel of others. I emphasize “wise” to discourage counsel only from those who automatically agree with us and are not committed to speaking God’s truth.

Why Christianity Can Be the Safest Place for Intellectual Truth-Seekers

The ways that Christianity is a haven for thoughtfulness

What It Means to Tell the Truth About God

Boldly speaking the truth when it's difficult

What Is Truth in a Wiki World?

How can we define truth in a culture that has democratized it, i.e., truth is based on the opinion of the majority?

Saving Truth

Abdu Murray: Finding Meaning and Clarity in a Post-Truth World

Call It What You Like, God Calls It Sin

We have created a myriad of ways to justify sin, but the episode of David and Bathsheba reminds us that God takes our sin very seriously. So should we.