Tag: shame

Recognize and Overcome One of the Enemy’s Greatest Weapons: Shame

For many of us, the voice of our inner critic is deafening, and quickly demeans our value or worth because of the pain we carry around from our past because of what we’ve done or what has been done to us.

What Does Shame Have to Do With Being Lukewarm?

Work around us, Lord, we seem to say. Not in us and through us. Self-defense mechanisms are all working overtime. If we would be or do anything for the Master, we must face and overcome this gremlin.

Ed Stetzer: Evangelism Matters

If your church shows no burden for the unreached all around you, you have missed the commission of Jesus.

How to Deal With Guilt and Shame

Shame stings, but it need not be deadly. Although people and circumstances around us may still shame us (and it hurts), Christ can release us from its destructive power.

Trauma and Shame: A People of Grief

When we bury our grief instead of offering it to one another, it becomes like an infection.

How to Stop Being Ruled by Shame

Experiencing the freedom Christ intended

3 Steps to Helping Someone Overcome Shame

The person struggling with shame needs three things, all of which are present in the story of the bleeding woman in Luke 8.

Shame Off You

Denise Pass: From Hiding to Healing