
Stephen Ko

Not only are incarnational health, worship, and living possible, they are God’s good design.

Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

John H. Walton

Whatever authority the prophetic words held for the ancient audience they also hold for us.

Letters to a Young Pastor

Timothy Conversations Between Father and Son (NavPress)

Kevin Makins: Why Would Anyone Go to Church?

A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good (Baker)

Tony Evans: Powerful Prayers to Unite Us in Love

Stronger Together, Weaker Apart (Harvest House)

Sally Brown: Preaching to Shape Daring Witness

Sunday’s Sermon for Monday’s World (Eerdmans)

Mimi Larson & Robert Keeley: Bridging Theory and Practice in Children’s Spirituality

New Directions for Education, Ministry, and Discipleship (Zondervan)

Luke Norsworthy: Befriending Your Monsters

Facing the Darkness of Your Fears to Experience the Light (Baker Books)

Tod Bolsinger: Leadership for a Time of Pandemic

Practicing Resilience (IVP)