Pastor Paul: Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church
(Brazos Press, 2019)
WHO: Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary where he directs both a master’s and Doctor of Ministry program.
HE SAYS: “Pastors nurture a culture of Christoformity in the church.”
THE BIG IDEA: The author shows that nurturing Christoformity was at the heart of the Pauline mission, and that the pastor’s central calling is to mediate Christ in everything.
After an introductory chapter, the author dedicates a chapter to each of the seven themes that illustrate nurturing Christoformity: a culture of friendship, a culture of siblings, a culture of generosity, a culture of storytellers, a culture of witness, a culture of world subversion, and a culture of wisdom.
“Pastors don’t create Christoformity—that’s done by God in Christ through the Spirit. But they are called to nurture it, to plant and to water and to weed and to protect and to provide.”
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