Tag: Brazos Press

Cooperation and Collaboration

In the kingdom of God, the citizens see everyone as connected to everyone else. Like the forest promoting life within itself, those in the kingdom see all of humanity connected to one another.

Steve Bezner

If I can have everything, I will eventually feel nothing.


We are speeding, and we need to selah instead.

Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez

When we choose to be a sanctuary, we are a people and a place that are safe for all people, like Jesus was and is.

God Calls Work Good

Our work might also be a means of worship—if we pursue quality, beauty, truth, and integrity in what we make, write, and build.

Amy Orr-Ewing

Let’s not live our lives functioning as Christian atheists who have a framework of cultural belief with no room or need for God to show up as God.

For the Weak Ones

Which does Jesus intend—a blessing for the materially poor or the spiritually poor?

Micha Boyett

We are invited not to rejoice in our grief and loss in this life but to transform our thinking around what it means to have a full, thriving life in the midst of our suffering.