Amy Orr-Ewing

Lead Like the Real You
Brazos Press, 2024
By Amy Orr-Ewing

WHO: Amy Orr-Ewing, an international speaker, theologian and apologist, who previously served as president of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and is an honorary lecturer at the University of Aberdeen. 

SHE SAYS: “When the impulse to hold back and second-guess yourself strikes, why not ask Jesus for the courage to break through?” 

THE BIG IDEA: A seasoned apologist explores the challenges women leaders face to help the next generation succeed.

THE PROGRESSION: Through 43 chapters or “letters” organized into 10 sections, the author helps reads find their voice in leadership, wherever they happen to be. She combines a deep connection to Scripture with a grasp of the cultural moment we are in.

“Let’s not live our lives functioning as Christian atheists who have a framework of cultural belief with no room or need for God to show up as God.”    

Amy Orr-Ewing
Amy Orr-Ewing

Amy Orr-Ewing is distinguished scholar at Wheaton College and honorary lecturer in divinity at the University of Aberdeen. She is the host of The Lead Podcast and author of Lead Like the Real You (Brazos Press).