Scot McKnight: Open to the Spirit

Open to the Spirit
(WaterBrook, 2018)

WHO: Scot McKnight, an author and professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois.

HE SAYS: “If we leave the doors and windows of our lives open to the Spirit, we may find surprising flowers in our lives.”

THE BIG IDEA: God is alive and well and indwells us.

This book explores more than a dozen biblical themes about the Holy Spirit. Each theme examines a dimension of what the Spirit can accomplish in our lives if we remain open to the Spirit’s work. This is the third work in a three-part series examining some of the more mysterious components of the Christian faith.

“It is not my responsibility to do anything but to be open to the radical and sometimes surprising flow of the Spirit in our world.”

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A 2019 Also Recommended Outreach Resource of the Year—Spiritual Growth Category

“Even if it were not so personal and challenging, this book would be a great resource for studying all the Bible references to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our ‘combination life’ with him for daily growth and obedience.”

Evaluated by Knute Larson, an Outreach magazine contributing editor and pastoral coach and teacher. He also is the pastor emeritus of The Chapel in Akron, Ohio and the editor of Pastorpedia.