Tag: Holy Spirit

Walking in the Spirit

Jesus accomplishes his will through spiritual gifts, both permanent and situational.

In Hard Times, God Gives Us the Gift of His Spirit

This Scripture has three traits plus instruction that are a guide from heaven about where we can turn when we don’t know what else to do.

Max Lucado: Help Is Here

We are not left alone with our questions. It is not up to us to solve the riddles of our existence. We have a helper, a divine instructor. He will save us from the cul-de-sac of confusion and the dead end of doubt. He does this by enrolling us in the primary course of his university: Jesus Christ.

How Is the Holy Spirit Connected to Church Growth?

There is a beautiful interaction between the empowering of the Holy Spirit and our role in church growth.

Cultivating Deep Dependence on the Holy Spirit

Building your relationship with the infinite God

Empowered: Move With the Spirit

Reclaiming the power and presence of the Holy Spirit

Living Life in the Spirit

Reflections on our ever-present need to walk in step with the Spirit.

J.I. Packer (1926–2020): The Holy Spirit and Salvation

The Holy Spirit is truly 'God the Evangelist,' drawing sinners into fellowship with Christ. Here is how he works.