
Outreach Resources of the Year: Theology

So many gospel presentations and simple summaries present the gospel as escape from sin and the world and entrance into eternal life. Such gospels skip life now and head for the eternal prize.

A Prophet Is Not a Predictor of the Future

The prophets claim more, and the people credited them with more than just astute human discernment.

The Transcript of Our Desires

If one’s internet searches illuminate our hidden desires, then the Bible serves (in the words of Catherine Dunlap Carter) as a kind of “incomparable record of human desire.”

The Role Emotions Play in Theological Diversity

Because human beings are complex creatures with reason, will and emotion, no reductionistic scheme that pigeonholes us as purely intuitive or purely rational beings...

Sandra Richter: Stewards of Eden

What Scripture Says About the Environment and Why It Matters (IVP)

God’s Wild Creatures

We have a responsibility to protect the habitats of God's creatures.

Gavin Ortlund: Finding the Right Hills to Die On

The Case for Theological Triage (Crossway)

What Doctrines Are Essential to the Gospel?

Which doctrines make the gospel vulnerable or incomplete if they aren't present?

Jack Levison: The Spirit According to the Old Testament

A Boundless God (Baker Academic)