Revisiting Jesus’ Teachings on Heaven

Eternity Is Now in Session
A Radical Rediscovery of What Jesus Really Taught About Salvation, Eternity, and Getting to the Good Place (Tyndale, 2018)

WHO: John Ortberg, author and senior pastor at Menlo Church.

HE SAYS: “Eternal life isn’t just about the future. We can have it now. It’s not just about there. We can have it here.”

THE BIG IDEA: God is present here and now.

Part 1, “Rethinking Salvation,” examines what the gospel, salvation and the kingdom of God really mean. In Part 2, “Walking with Jesus,” the author shows readers the importance of seeing God acting everywhere, leaving behind our baggage and creating a new mental map to understand our relationship with God.

“What if we stopped thinking about the gospel as simply the minimum entrance requirements to get into heaven? What if we stopped thinking about eternal life as something we can only experience after we die?”

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John Ortberg
John Ortberg

John Ortberg is the pastor of Menlo Church in Menlo Park, California, and a bestselling author. His most recent book is Eternity Is Now in Session: A Radical Rediscovery of What Jesus Really Taught about Salvation, Eternity, and Getting to the Good Place.