Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment

All That’s Good
Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment
(Moody, 2018)

WHO: Hannah Anderson, an author and speaker.

SHE SAYS: “The leaders we follow, the communities we’re part of and the organizations we support all play a role in shaping the decisions we make.”

THE BIG IDEA: How can we develop an instinct for recognizing and embracing good?

In Part 1, the author examines what discernment is and isn’t, showing that the goal of discernment isn’t just about avoiding evil—it’s about learning what is good.
Part 2 explores how fear, pride and a scarcity mindset can hinder our ability to see God’s goodness. The author also discusses the dynamics of social media and why simply reacting or isolating ourselves is a mistake.
Part 3 shows through Scripture how God walks through all of life with us.

“We’re confident that God who once made all things good will make all things good once again. And it’s this confidence that allows us to move forward.”

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Hannah Anderson
Hannah Anderson

Hannah Anderson is an author and speaker.

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