Safeguarding Your Church

Here is a quick reminder of the policies and procedures every church should have on file.

  • Boundaries. Your church should have a very clear policy about moral and financial transgressions. This should be adopted by the board of oversight and is enforced immediately when broken.  
  • ‘Hit by a Truck’ Procedure. This document spells out the very clear steps and reassignment of leadership authority or pulpit responsibility to be in force immediately in the case of a tragedy or illness that prevents the pastor from leading. 
  • Security Procedures. These policies should be developed by the security team and approved by the board of oversight as to what to do when there is a breach of security or public danger because of an active shooter or other safety emergency.   
  • Financial Policies. There are still churches out there where one person counts or handles the money or writes all the checks. This practice should change immediately with written policies developed by the financial team and approved by the board of oversight.
  • Emergency in the Pulpit. Even a very small church should have steps written out and a person or team assigned to deal with someone approaching the pulpit for a questionable purpose, or to help if the pastor has a medical emergency while up front.  
  • A ‘Tragedy’ Sermon. The pastor must have a sermon developed to use if a tragedy of major proportions happens the week before that Sunday. 
  • Medical Emergencies. Develop a plan and have someone with medical training person assigned to take the lead if there is a medical emergency in the building. Also, train several people to use the defibrillator (hopefully you have one).
  • Liability and exemption statements in the church constitution or by-laws. Not that anyone would sue a church!
Knute Larson
Knute Larson

Knute Larson, an Outreach magazine consulting editor, coaches pastors for personal and church growth, and teaches D.Min. courses for Trinity and Grace seminaries and leadership for Moody. He pastored 43 years in Ohio, the last 26 at The Chapel, in Akron.