Tag: Northern Seminary

How Discipleship Builds Your Brain

Insights from interpersonal neurobiology

Scot McKnight: Pastor Paul

Nurturing a Culture of Christoformity in the Church

Growing as a Community Into the Likeness of Christ

The apostle Paul saw his role as helping the body of Christ grow in Christoformity.

Scot McKnight: Reading Romans Backwards

A Gospel of Peace in the Midst of Empire

‘With Whom Did You Dine Last Night?’

In Paul's estimation, the strong and weak should welcome one another as Christ has welcomed them.

Scot McKnight: The Life-Giving Breath of the Spirit

The Spirit of God is the one who brings life to our spirits.

Breaking Free From the Enemy-Making Machine

How to live the presence of Christ in a divided culture.

True Leaders Use Their Gifts for the Good of Others

Following Jesus' example, leaders in the church are not rulers but servants equipping the body of Christ.