Tag: Makoto Fujimura

Makoto Fujimura: Behold the Fragments—Part 1

"Could our broken places become part of our signature that will remain, turned to precious beauty on the other side of our own resurrection?"

Makoto Fujimura: Broken and Made New—Part 2

“Our faith is not about winning culture wars, but is about sharing vulnerabilities and our experiences in a world that is in desperate need of healing.”

A Biblical Alternative to the Culture of Scarcity

Discover how to interact and create cultures that produce a deeply good work that goes beyond mere utility to touch the soul.

Culture Care

Makoto Fujimura: Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life

Counseling and Relationships: 14th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Makoto Fujimura: Hidden Faith Born of Suffering

The Silence of God and the Question of Suffering

"It is tempting to create a cause-and-effect analysis, playing the role of diviner to 'understand' calamity."

Opening the Gates of Creativity in the Church

"Closed gates mandate the extra labor of bringing in stale, dry fodder—everything 'Christian' needed to feed the flock."