Cody Flom: A Higher Purpose

You’d be forgiven if you thought riding a scooter was all fun and games. Cody Flom (20) has taken it to the next level as a professional scooter rider, winning competitions and pulling off the kind of epic tricks that shouldn’t be possible on such an unassuming piece of equipment.

His videos, which are lighting up YouTube with 223,000 subscribers to his channel, give him a unique platform to speak to the next generation. One in particular, “Being a Christian Athlete,” has given him the opportunity to share his testimony with students at several public schools. We caught up with him to talk about what drives him and how he’s using his social media platforms to reach his followers for Christ.

What are your creative outlets and the ways that you uniquely live out your calling from God?

Three of the ways that I creatively live out my calling from God is through scootering, social media and public speaking. Being a professional scooter rider has created the opportunity for me to speak into the next generation from a platform both in a formal sense and in regards to social media. As a result of this, I see all of these outlets as a means to best be involved in the Kingdom agenda.

How did you develop your passion for professional scooter riding?

My passion for the sport began as a result of a common interest that my friends and I had for active hobbies when we were younger.

What is a moment that stands out in your mind as a turning point, when you really felt like you were doing what you were meant to do?

One reassuring moment that comes to my mind is when I set out to create a video called “Being a Christian Athlete.” I believe the idea for this video came completely from the Lord. The purpose of the video was to create a piece of video content that showed the world both what I do (as an athlete) and why I do what I do. Promptly after the creation and release of the video, the Lord opened several doors for me to share the video at public schools and also share my testimony with the students there. As a result of this experience I was reassured of the fact that the Lord really was working in the lives of those that “follow” me, and even though it may be hard for me to see the immediate effect that my social media content has on my audience, the Lord is still faithful to use every bit of content I produce in order to advance his Kingdom.

How has your personal faith shaped the way that you do what you do?

My faith in Jesus has changed my perspective as an athlete. My desire is not just for my immediate success in the industry I am in, but it is ultimately to make a positive impact on the lives of those that are in my sphere of influence. I have found that my earthly success doesn’t compare to the fulfilling sensation of advancing God’s kingdom.

Do you have a life Bible verse or another passage of Scripture that has encouraged you along your journey? Why is that passage meaningful to you?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11). This verse always gives me encouragement and reassurance when my life becomes dreary. It reminds me of the fact that there is a purpose for my life, and that God is using even the little aspects of my life for a purpose that is so much greater than anything that I could ever dream of.

How do you see your passion interacting with your sense of calling or mission from God? (i.e., how is God using you to further his kingdom through you doing what you do?)

I believe God is using me to advance his kingdom by giving me a large platform and audience that I can be a light to. While I cannot claim to be a perfect example of who Jesus is, God is still working through my imperfect self to be a city on a hill in an industry that does not instinctively want to be with him.

What’s one thing you would like say to leaders in the church who are trying to cultivate and encourage younger leaders?

Serving the Lord is not a burden (Matt. 11:28–30), it is a Joy (Ps. 16:11). We are all called to be a good steward of the time, talent, and resources we have, and from my experience stewarding these things well gives the ultimate sense of fulfillment that no other action here on earth can provide. Serving the Lord through the leadership of his people adds an eternal purpose to our life, and that purpose is one that cannot be compared to any other found on this earth.


Jonathan Sprowl
Jonathan Sprowl

Jonathan Sprowl is co-editor of Outreach magazine.