Tag: next-gen leaders

Sammy M. Rodriguez: Discipling the Next Generation

"I decided to give my life so that my generation will know Jesus."

Cody Flom: A Higher Purpose

Professional scooter rider, Cody Flom, uses his success to reach the next generation for Christ.

Rashawn Copeland: The Power of a Single Post

"It dazzles me to think how God truly uses the unlikely to do the unimaginable."

Uzuhan: Staying Curious

Uzuhan is using his hip-hop platform to create content that inspires the next generation.

Taylor Ransom: Called to Comedy

"Eventually, I gave up on trying to be who I thought I should be and started being who God made me to be."

Kiana Clay: Overcoming the Obstacles Life Throws at You

"I grew up in a Christian home, but I really became a believer after losing my arm."

Alena Pitts: Bringing Hope

"I didn’t know that people would experience hope in a new way through my story. But that just makes me all the more passionate about what I do."

Chaz Smith: Putting God’s Joy on Display

“I want to honor God with my life and represent him well, so I try to be as authentic and vulnerable as I feel led to on social media with the followers that he’s allowed me to have.”