In 2015, at the age of 11, Alena Pitts debuted in her first feature film as Danielle Jordan in the movie War Room. About two years ago, when Pitts’ mom passed away, she turned to writing and singing to help her process the grief. We caught up with her to discuss her journey and how she’s using her influence to point young people to Christ.
What are your creative outlets and the ways that you uniquely live out your calling from God?
My creative outlets consist of singing, writing and acting. In 2015, I debuted in my first feature film as Danielle Jordan in the movie War Room. Through that opportunity, God has elevated my platform, allowing me to travel and spread the hope I have received through Christ. As the years have passed, God has revealed to me new passions.
How did you develop your passion for acting, writing and interviewing other people?
Ultimately, everything I am passionate about has been developed over time as I have gotten to know God better. I believe he planted these seeds in my heart years ago, but through getting to know him, I’ve developed these passions and desires and watched them become my reality. About two years ago, my mom passed away. I immediately turned to writing and singing as a way to grieve and cope. Writing has become healing for me. And music has put words to the feelings and emotions I can’t express. As far as acting goes, I discovered my passion for that through being in War Room. God gave me that opportunity and through just saying yes, I discovered that I really enjoyed acting.
What is a moment that stands out in your mind as a turning point, when you really felt like you were doing what you were meant to do?
I will never forget performing at an event called If Gathering because of the peace I experienced while performing. I had just lost my mom months prior but on that stage I felt completely at peace. And although I was standing in front of thousands, it truly felt like it was just me and God and I was just offering him my heart in worship. I didn’t know that people would experience hope in a new way through my story. But that just makes me all the more passionate about what I do. It’s redemptive to be able to simply worship God but impact and draw others nearer to him through my worship. It is humbling to say the least.
How has your personal faith shaped the way that you do what you do?
My faith in God is the reason I do what I do. It is the driving force. I would not have the strength to do what I do without my faith. To be vulnerable about my mom’s passing is exhausting if there is no reason behind it. The second I begin to even slightly forget the reason behind why I do what I do, it feels empty and useless. To stand on stages and sing is great but simply doing it for the applause of man is draining and quite unfulfilling.
Do you have a life Bible verse or another passage of Scripture that has encouraged you along your journey? Why is that passage meaningful to you?
I love Isaiah 26:3 which says, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” That verse is a continual reminder for me to cling to Jesus. It’s as if I’ve got tunnel vision, eyes glued to Jesus, but the second my eyes shift from him to something else, my peace is snatched away. He is my peace so without him, I have no peace.
How do you see your passion interacting with your sense of calling or mission from God? (i.e., how is God using you to further his kingdom through you doing what you do?)
God has used my story to bring hope to the hopeless. Grief has left me feeling hopeless time and time again, but I am always met in that dark place with the hope only Jesus brings. To be able to be a vessel of that hope for others who are experiencing darkness just like I have is humbling.
What’s one thing you would like say to leaders in the church who are trying to cultivate and encourage younger leaders?
One thing I’ve noticed through interaction and conversations with others my age is that this next generation is searching for truth. We want truth and we crave authenticity. I would encourage leaders in the church to just continue or begin feeding this younger generation the Word of God which is truth and seek authentic relationship and discipleship with this younger generation as well.