Do you know what goes through the minds of unbelievers? They are watching you and me and every other Christian out there to see how we are living our life, and scrutinizing whether our life matches the faith we profess. Therefore, we must do as Christ told us to do in Matthew 5:14: be lights of the world.
Over the years, I have interviewed thousands of pastors and church leaders. A major concern of Christian leaders in this country is what they see among believers as a lack of spreading the gospel message and a lack of being lights of the world.
Caring for others is critical if you want an opportunity to share your faith. Unbelievers want to know that you care about them before they allow you to share their with them.
There is a great way to strengthen your faith, reach others with the gospel message and be a light to the world for Christ. It’s as simple as doing an act of Christian kindness to others on a regular basis.
First of all, acts of kindness help you grow in your faith by caring for others. Many Christians report feeling spiritually energized after they do something for someone else in the name of Christ. Second, serving others gives us an opportunity to share our faith in a non-threatening way.
Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding areas have been transformed in major ways because of acts of Christian kindness. I have heard countless testimonies of people who were down and out, but because of an act of Christian kindness, their lives were changed.
Just as often, the one doing the act of kindness is blessed just as much as the recipient. We call these “God moments,” and they are so powerful that you will remember them for the rest of your life.
Here is one of many incredible stories I’ve heard about lives being changed because of acts of Christian kindness, as told by my friend Lee Larsen, who serves as evangelism coordinator for Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Green Bay.
“For a travel holiday like Memorial Day, we take several volunteers to a local busy gas station on the Friday before the long weekend. To ease people’s gas price burden, we hand out crisp new $2 bills along with cards that let the recipients know that God loves them and that his grace is free just like the gift they received; neither can be bought or earned at any price. On the back of these cards is information about our church and a warm invite for them to come and join us for worship.
“One Friday before Memorial Day weekend, a group of six or so of us met at a gas station and divided up the $2 bills and sharing cards and headed out to separate pump islands. I took the island at the far left, and as I approached it, I could see a young mom had just finished filling up her car and was taking the hand of her young son to head inside to pay her bill.
“My first impression was of happy, young mom having a great day. That all changed as soon as I came up to her and presented her with two $2 bills. I smiled and told her that we were sharing God’s love for her today, and that the $2 bills were there to ease her gas price burden and a reminder that Jesus would love to ease her daily burdens.
“She immediately welled up with tears. so I asked her what was on her heart. She said, “I am scared to death!” I asked her, “Scared of what?” She said she was homeless. She had just been evicted and everything she owned was in her car. She needed gas and had no idea what she was going to do next. She said that her utilities were shut off the previous week and today she had to vacate her apartment. I then found out she had two more children in car seats in the back seat of her car.
“I blessed her with two more $2 bills and she cried. I hugged her tightly and let her know that God is there for her. I invited her to go over to our church and receive what food she needed from our food bank. I also encouraged her to talk with our pastor as he could assist her in finding shelter and whatever else she and her children may need.
It is moments like this that send a clear message about God’s love to those who need it most. God wanted to be there for this woman in her time of desperation, so he brought us together. I was the first person she talked with after leaving her home. and she was the very first person that God brought to me during this outreach event. By chance? No way! What a humbling and faith building experience—one that you jwant to share with others and encourage them to experience for themselves.”
So next time that you are out and about, give someone a soda, buy their meal for them, cut their grass or just engage them in friendly conversation. Watch out! Unbelievers are watching us, but we can surprise and bless them with loving actions that communicate the gospel better than words ever could.
Jeff Van Beaver is president of Acts 1:8 Ministry, an organization dedicated to training Christians to evangelize through kindness.