Tag: hope

A Different Kind of Hope

We discover that being a prisoner of hope in Jesus Christ is life-giving. He is the path to ultimate freedom.

Your Legacy: Hope, Heart, and Habits

Generosity might mean two minutes with a stranger or mentoring a leader for twenty years. Generosity of spirit is about being fully present, sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and intentional about adding value.

Rediscovering the Living Hope of Advent

What does it mean to be born to a living hope?

Biblical Hope Is a Solid Certainty

We expect a sure thing, purchased on the cross, accomplished and promised by an all-knowing God. Scripture offers solid ground for our hope in Christ.

Jesus Wept: The Big Hope in the Shortest Verse

The backstory of those two words is one of pain and tragedy.

Seeing a Hopeful Future in the Midst of Relentless Challenges

How to Keep Going When the Hits Keep Coming

Preaching Hope in the Midst of Despair

“We preach Christ. … God’s power and God’s wisdom” (1 Cor. 1:23–24). Rick Warren says a lot of what pastors are feeding their people is...

When You Feel Like You’ve Been Waiting for a Long Time

God will not disappoint those who wait for him.