Tag: global

5 Tips for a Short Missions Presentation

The time allotted for missionaries to share with churches is shrinking. Here's how to maximize the time you're given.

Faith That Comes by Hearing

3 strategies for reaching oral cultures with the gospel

3 Ways We Unintentionally ‘Play God’ in Missions

Why our best intentions in serving overseas don’t always bear good fruit.

Succession: Ready or Not?

Succession planning is a mixed bag across the globe.

How to Rethink Your Short-Term Trips

There is often problematic baggage that comes with traditional short-term mission trips. Here are ways to make sure your trips are having the intended effect.

What Can We Learn From Children’s Ministry in Ecuador?

"When a child’s life is being changed for good, it’s natural for the parents to be willing to help out. "

From Aspiring Hero to Hero Maker

Candid observations from a Brazilian church planter

Why You Should Rethink Cutting Your Missions Budget

The Benefits of Prioritizing the Gospel in Your Financial Decisions