5 Tips for Young Leaders in the Church

I spend a good amount of my ministry investing in younger leaders and I love it, because it fuels me to know something I’ve learned—often through trial and error—might help another leader avoid my mistakes.


1. The more specific you are the more other people can help you. Don’t dance around the issue you are struggling with as if you have answers when in reality you have none. We have all been where you are and we understand. So, we can better help you if you tell us what the real problem is and where your fear is greatest.

2. Surround yourself with some encouragers. Make sure you have people who speak regularly into your life. These may need to be people outside the work you’re doing, but some days they’ll be the only fuel that keeps you going. (Not to seem self-serving, but you might need a coach. I do this for a number of younger leaders.)

3. Seek your affirmation among people God sent you to minister to. This one came as great advice from a seasoned leader. Many times you will feel under-appreciated as a leader. You may not even feel you’re doing any good and you’ll often second-guess yourself and your calling.

When those times come, get back to helping the hurting people—or the work, whatever it is— God called you to do. Be recharged by being the real you.

4. Everything great starts with a humble beginning. We all want instant success, but that is seldom the reality. Those who launch big often had enormous stories of previously being humbled—often many times.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” —Zechariah 4:10

5. Protect your soul. You have to discipline yourself to decompress. Here’s a paraphrase of Jesus: “Come to me all who are stretched, burnt-out, weary and heavy-burdened—I will give you refreshment for your soul.”

Live this truth daily and place it as a regular practice of your life.

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This article originally appeared on RonEdmondson.com and is reposted here by permission.

Ron Edmondson
Ron Edmondsonhttp://ronedmondson.com

Ron Edmondson is the pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. He revitalized two churches and planted two more.