Tag: Ron Edmondson

The Practice of Empowerment

If you don’t expect them to do anything yet, let them know they’re off the hook.

The Delivery Truck Principle and Church Leadership

Counting the costs of innovative ministry ideas and opportunities

7 Excellent Reasons to Learn to Say No

A failure to say no costs far more than developing a discipline to not always say yes.

The Invisible Traits of Great Leaders

7 things awesome leaders do behind the scenes

Communicating Responsibility Makes a Huge Difference

The more we can release the people trying to follow us the more they can focus on things for which they are being held accountable.

10 Gifts Every Leader Should Give Their Team

How to empower your team to succeed

Attracting and Retaining Leaders

I have discovered the difference in how I lead if I want to lead leaders. And the difference is huge.

The Best Leaders Have These 7 Traits

I’ve been blessed with good role models. And I have had some leaders who were not so good. Such as the guy who threw my sales book at me across the room. Or the one who criticized me for something literally every week.