Tag: church growth

Are We Following the God of What Works?

5 barriers to conversion-based church planting

7 Aspects of Increasing Your Reach

You have to live in the tension of change if you want to experience growth. Change is never popular with everyone, but when you resist it, you are resisting the opportunity to grow.

Beyond Growth and Decline

The greatest challenge for church leaders is to tell the story of mission in a way that is beautiful and life-giving to a generation that sees the world through a lens of anxiousness and division.

Churches Stuck in a Bubble — And Don’t Go

It’s just uncomfortable to be outside the bubble. Honestly, it’s just easier to hang out with other believers who think like we do, talk like we do, and act like we do. Outside the bubble is a different world.

How Growing Churches Strive to Make Connections

These churches are changing the way they connect with new people.

Going Beyond Cosmetic Changes

A new church sign is not going to reverse the decline in attendance.

5 Questions to Ask When Your Church Isn’t Growing

There could be many reasons why your church isn't growing. Here are a few.

How Is the Holy Spirit Connected to Church Growth?

There is a beautiful interaction between the empowering of the Holy Spirit and our role in church growth.