Tag: church growth

The Seeds of Exponential Church Growth

Take Up the Multiplication Intent of Jesus

Want to Grow the Church? Understand Your Cultural Soil

In order to effectively plant and spread the gospel in today's communities, we must understand and cultivate the cultural soil around us.

Does God Want Your Church to Get Bigger?

As you welcome the new members and celebrate the changes, do not neglect the longtime leaders who have served this church in good times and bad. The first defections from a growing church are often people who have served for years but who now feel they are being pushed out.

Growing Southern Baptist Churches More Likely in Northeast

Membership in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont churches together grew by 1% from 2017 to 2022. Every other area saw a numerical decline for Southern Baptist churches.

Ashley Wooldridge: Radical Generosity

When you get radically generous, it invites the blessing of God in a supernatural way.

Growing Relationships Rather Than Numbers

When a church focuses on the person as a whole and not the transactional relationship often, they see Christ in the person and not the person inside the local church, which begins to tare the veil of developing relationships to become pew warmers.

When Church Growth Stalls

When you find that you’ve stopped growing, you’ve probably exhausted the capacity of leaders in your organization. Is your staff ready to lead at a higher level? Are your volunteer leaders ready to duplicate their teams with a second leader?

Natasha Sistrunk Robinson: Why Do You Want to Grow?

Not everything that grows is healthy.