Tag: Chuck Lawless

The Danger of Pride in Church Revitalization

5 reasons revitalization projects run the risk of bringing glory to the revitalizer rather than God.

10 Tips for Telling the Christmas Story

The familiarity of the story should encourage us to prepare more, not less.

10 Statements That Get Church Leaders Into Trouble

A church leader's words have the power to resolve or exacerbate conflict. Here are responses that make things worse.

Small Groups: On-Campus or Off-Campus?

There are different benefits for meeting on campus and meeting off campus. Here are some helpful considerations.

5 Things That Happen When Church Leaders Neglect the Word

Christian leaders cannot effectively lead and live on yesterday's grace.

Why Choosing the Right Small Group Leader Matters

The most important person in a small group is the leader. Here are reasons why it's so important to choose them wisely.

7 Questions for Preachers to Ask About Their Preaching Calendar

Here are some helpful questions to ask yourself as you think about your preaching plan for the coming year.

10 Questions to Ask About Your Church Staff Meetings

If a new believer and a long-term church member were listening in on your staff meeting, what would they think?