Tag: Chuck Lawless

9 Things a Messy Church Building Says

There is a danger of sending the wrong message to guests when a church gets too comfortable with the status quo.

5 Ways to Connect With Unchurched People

Looking for ways to talk about your faith with the unchurched and non-believers? Here are five simple ways.

8 Reasons Our Evangelism Programs Fail

Here are some potential reasons your best intentions in training church members to evangelize aren't bearing abundant fruit.

8 Ways to Invest in Younger Believers

Younger believers become mature through the investment of more experienced believers. Here are ways to start successful mentoring relationships.

13 Ways to Strengthen Your Children’s Ministry

Prioritize your children's ministry and it will strengthen your church's present and future.

12 Signs That Your Heart Has Become Hardened in Ministry

"If we’re not alert and self-aware, our heart gets hardened. Be aware of these signs of increasing hardening in your life."

8 Reasons Members Don’t Give Sacrificially and Cheerfully to Your Church

"My experience is that many, if not most, believers will support God’s work when they know the immediate needs."

10 Signs Your Pastor Needs Prayer

"I’ve seen the most patient, giving pastors surprisingly lose their cool when other issues are weighing on them."