Tag: Charles Stone

Just Because You Can Develop a New Competency, Should You?

We have limited time and energy to invest. How do we determine what new things to take on?

6 Benefits of Advance Sermon Prep

I've found that this routine has worked for me. Perhaps it will help you as well.

8 Keys to a Healthy Church Board

These principles have contributed to healthy board relationships at our church.

7 Questions to End Your Day Well

The way we end the day may be just as important as the way we begin it.

What Does Servant-Leadership Really Look Like?

There is currently a lot of buzz about the need to pursue servant leadership, but what is it, really?

How Gratitude Helps Your Body and Brain

We know we're commanded to be grateful, but beyond obedience, here are the physiological benefits.

5 Ways to Become a ‘Bounce Back’ Leader

Here are steps for training yourself to bounce back more quickly from difficulties and disappointments.

5 Characteristics of Resilient Leaders

Every leader will face setbacks from time to time; here are characteristics of leaders who last.