Tag: Charles Stone

Leader, You Can Combat Burnout

Chronic stress can shrink your brain.

Try These 5 Tips to Value Your Leadership Team

Praise for effort keeps your team open to grow whereas praise for attributes can sometimes cause the person to become static in order to protect those attributes.

9 Ways the Apostles Modeled Great Leadership

The apostles set a stellar example of great leadership as they helped solve the first internal problem the early church faced.

Responding to a Critic

Too often when I’ve received a critical comment at church I’ve gotten defensive or said something in return that I wish I could take back.

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Planning Staff Retreats

Here are mistakes I've made in the past along with some solutions.

How Grateful Are You? Take This Gratitude Quiz

Psalm 95:2, “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.”

Do You Have ‘Drainers’ and ‘Energizers’ in Your Church?

The main difference between the energizers and the drainers are their expectations of us. The energizers don’t place great expectations on us. The drainers do.

4 Reminders About Change

Help your team realize that it’s normal to feel unsettled during change and that it will pass.