Tag: Charles Stone

7 Ways to Reflect on Your Day

When we discipline ourselves to begin each day with intention and thoughtfulness, we do ourselves and others good.

When Ministry Becomes Life-Draining

Everyday church ministry demands that we sooth someone’s hurt feelings, solve a ministry problem, seek new ways to grow our churches, or satisfy what seems to be some church members’ increasing expectations.

The Psychological Keys to Encouraging Generosity

Two significant processes in our brains that influence generosity

Before You Click ‘Send’

He assumed one thing and I assumed another. We were able to resolve what could have been a severe blow to our relationship in a short phone conversation.

Preaching Sermons That Stick

How do people remember?

How to Deal With Guilt and Shame

Shame stings, but it need not be deadly. Although people and circumstances around us may still shame us (and it hurts), Christ can release us from its destructive power.

The Beauty of Declining Invitations

Sometimes you immediately know you should say no. In that case, a firm but gracious no is appropriate. It may feel awkward, but that uncomfortable emotion will quickly pass.

I Was Leading a Church, and I was Foolish

I isolated myself too much from staff and people in the church. I didn’t make myself visible enough.