Tag: Zondervan Publishers

3 Tips for Sharing Your Faith in a Natural Way

Public evangelist Sam Chan shares three tips for sharing your faith naturally.

Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Courses Leader’s Kit

Peter and Geri Scazzero: Discipleship That Deeply Changes Lives

An Anchor for Our Drifting Spiritual Lives

Incorporating the ancient practice of The Daily Office can help you be more aware of God's presence throughout the day.

UFOs, Evangelism and Belief

There are several reasons why trying to do evangelism alone might not be as effective as doing it with other Christians. Take a closer look.

Evangelism in a Skeptical World

Sam Chan: How to make the Unbelievable News about Jesus More Believable

Peter Scazzero: Digging Deeper Into Discipleship—Part 1

Pete Scazzero discusses Emotionally Healthy Discipleship and the danger of separating love of God and people.

Peter Scazzero: Rediscovering Holistic Discipleship—Part 2

Embracing discipleship as Jesus intended it creates revolutionary change in all your relationships and all aspects of ministry.

Why We Can’t Seem to Follow the Golden Rule

The U.N. recently had to restore its painting of the "Golden Rule." It's an apt metaphor of the need to restore human dignity.