Tag: suffering

What to Avoid Saying to Someone Who Is Suffering

Things we say that are unhelpful to someone in pain.

The Mountaintops Are Meant to Prepare Us for the Valleys

Jesus gave the disciples a glimpse of his glory to fortify them for the valleys to come.

Soothe the Suffering

God is present in our affliction.

How God Brings Joy Out of Our Sorrow

"God doesn’t change your tragedy; he changes you through the tragedy. He doesn’t make it go away; he redeems it."

The Fruit of Brokenness in a Pastor’s Life

We seldom see any immediate benefit from our brokenness. But could God use it in our lives?

Why Suffering for Jesus Is Worth It

Because suffering is the way of Jesus, it also brings life.

What You Learn When Suffering Is all You Have

What do you offer when you have nothing?

The Yearning Beyond Suffering

Hard as it is to imagine, the future glory that will be revealed will make our present suffering pale by comparison.