Daniel Fusco

Daniel Fusco is the author of Crazy Happy, and lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington. His messages air weekly on the Hillsong Channel.

How To Thrive When Life Is Stressing You Out

Another way to thrive in stressful times is to fall in love with living out your faith. No matter what you do each day, no matter what job you have, there are always moments for ministry.

Embracing the Risk of Being Bold for Christ

"A life that’s beautiful to God is the kind of life that when you’re slandered, you take it on the chin. And even more than that, you are joyful."

Resilience in Light of Eternity

But when we pay attention to only our present context, we’re not seeing the full picture God wants to show us. He’s got much more in store.

Searching for True Happiness

Our deep ache for the beyond-happy life

The Blessed Life Brings Beauty and Happiness

Humility frees us to walk in the crazy happy way of love.

The Desires That Drive You

As we take this journey to discover what constitutes a beautiful life, we find that Jesus doesn’t want us to get rid of our desires; he wants us to seek him for their fulfillment.

How God Brings Joy Out of Our Sorrow

"God doesn’t change your tragedy; he changes you through the tragedy. He doesn’t make it go away; he redeems it."

Where Do We Find God?

Countless biblical characters sought out God in silence and solitude, and we are invited to do the same.