Tag: salvation

Walking Away From Salvation

The final verdict on anyone’s salvation is when their final breath is taken.

The Divine Paradox of God’s Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice

We need to establish our positions in light of all Scripture, not just our preferred passages that support what we wish to believe.

Do You Skip Over This Part of Salvation?

The question is one I ask myself: Does Jesus Christ believe in me? Does He trust me?

Assurance of Salvation

Salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. There is no other way. We aren’t saved because we deserve it, because God owes us something, or because someone in our family took us to church. We are saved through faith.

Grief, Memorial and Hope

At a time of great national loss the church has an opportunity—and a responsibility.

Why I Stopped Worrying About Losing My Salvation

The question “Can I lose my salvation?” is one of the biggest questions I wrestled with when I first became a Christian. I loved...

Why Being ‘Good Enough’ Will Never Be Good Enough

My family loves the movie The Greatest Showman. It’s the (highly embellished) account of P.T. Barnum’s rise to success. There’s a moving scene where...

J.I. Packer (1926–2020): The Holy Spirit and Salvation

The Holy Spirit is truly 'God the Evangelist,' drawing sinners into fellowship with Christ. Here is how he works.