Kevin Makins: Why Would Anyone Go to Church?

Why Would Anyone Go to Church? A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good
(Baker, 2020)

WHO: Kevin Makins, founding pastor of Eucharist Church in Ontario, Canada.

HE SAYS: “There are deeper truths that need to be uncovered if this next generation is going to reclaim church for good.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book takes a look at why church matters and how the author started a church for people who feel disenfranchised from religion.

Each chapter explores a deep truth that the author has learned about church while sharing the author’s journey.

“The Jesus followers I know aren’t sticking with the church because church is better than a concert or more interesting than a podcast. They’re staying because there are primordial elements of Christian community that are far more rooted than all that superficial fluff.”

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Kevin Makins
Kevin Makins

Kevin Makins is the founding pastor of Eucharist Church in downtown Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and the author of Why Would Anyone Go to Church?: A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good (Baker Books).