Tag: church attendance

When ‘Active’ Members Don’t Show Up

When those in our churches in leadership positions fail to demonstrate truly committed attendance, their example affects the rest of the church.

What Is Driving the Great Dechurching?

The church must be the church. And this is what it has to offer the world that the world does not already have: authentic biblical community.

Do You Count Attendance or the Number Sent Out?

How focused is your church on planting a vision in people’s hearts, providing training, and inspiring them to go and change the world? How many people in your church have launched out in either full-time ministry, or are doing serious ministry outside their normal day job?

Common Mistakes When Assessing Your Church’s Size

You didn’t go into ministry to be ineffective or to make only a small impact. It’s just that sometimes we have a funny idea of what constitutes effective church leadership.

Where Have All the Church Attendees Gone?

In a church with 100 in attendance, an additional 32 attendees would have to be added to stay even, and they would have to attend every Sunday. If they attend every other Sunday, the church would need an additional 64 attendees.

Why Your Current Attendance Is the New Normal

6 reasons the people who left aren’t coming back

Why the Church Needs You

Many will not return to church after the pandemic. Here’s why the church needs each of us.

How to Reach More People This Christmas

Church leaders have a huge opportunity this year as church attendance begins to rebound.