Dale Chamberlain

Dale Chamberlain is content manager for ChurchLeaders.com. With experience in pastoral ministry as well as the corporate marketing world, he is also an author and podcaster who is passionate about helping people tackle ancient truths in everyday settings.

4 Tips for Connecting With Seekers

It often feels like a shot in the dark, and some strategies end up being more effective than others.

What Makes a Pastor a Great Leader?

Any gifted communicator can tell you what you should be doing. A great pastor journeys alongside you as you seek to do it together.

What Not to Do During LGBTQ+ Pride Month

As someone who holds to a traditional view of sexual ethics and runs in circles with people with similar theological positions, I’ve noticed an unsettling uptick in vitriol and harmful language against the LGBTQ+ community this time of year, along with an ample about of fear mongering and political punditry.

Common Mistakes When Assessing Your Church’s Size

You didn’t go into ministry to be ineffective or to make only a small impact. It’s just that sometimes we have a funny idea of what constitutes effective church leadership.

Is Your Church Healthy or Toxic?

While God is powerful to do his supernatural work in even the most adverse situations, we hamper our effectiveness when we fail to pursue both holiness and wholeness.

The Church of Today

Relevant churches are the churches that tend to the tangible needs of their community, caring for the “least of these” and working for the common good.

4 Affirming Truths for Pastors — Especially on a Monday

While there isn’t always much pastors can do to circumvent the emotional and spiritual ascents and descents that seem to accompany their weekly rhythms, there are things they can do to ensure that they remain healthy for the long haul in the midst of it.

Church Communication — Keep it Clear and Simple

As you strive to introduce people to your church and the ministry opportunities it offers, you are introducing them to an opportunity to encounter God himself.