Tag: church attendance

3 Trends Shaping the Post-Pandemic Church

How Church Engagement Is Shifting

Church Members Are More Than Numbers

Behind every number is a member.

Thoughts on the Rising Number of Once-a-Month Churchgoers

Three realities of the increasing percentage of infrequent attenders

Research: U.S. Church Attendees Plan to Return Post-Pandemic

When COVID-19 is no longer an active threat to people’s health, 91% plan to attend in-person worship services at least as often as they did before the coronavirus pandemic. That includes almost a quarter (23%) who plan to attend more than they did previously.

How to Reach the People Who Have Stopped Attending

5 approaches churches are using to bring people back

The Hybrid Future of the Church

The future of the church is neither in-person nor online. It's both.

Why We Need to Plan for Lower Attendance Post-COVID

9 reasons attendance could stay lower than pre-COVID attendance

4 Reasons Christians Are Disengaging From the Church

Understanding why 22% of churched adults have stopped going to in-person or digital church