Tag: church attendance

1 in 3 Practicing Christians Is Still and Only Attending Their Pre-COVID Church

Recently, Barna Group revealed findings about “The New Sunday Morning,” highlighting trends in church attendance and engagement since the nation’s response to COVID-19 began...

Kevin Makins: Why Would Anyone Go to Church?

A Young Community’s Quest to Reclaim Church for Good (Baker)

5 Early Trends From Churches That Are Reopening

The regathering of churches for in-person services is garnering a lot of attention in both the religious and secular media. I totally get that....

10 Burning Questions About Church Attendance in the New Normal

Talk to any church leader over the last decade, and they’ll tell you it feels more challenging than ever to get people to come...

How Will Church Attendance Look When Restrictions Are Lifted?

What if all our church members showed up at the same time?

4 Attitudes That Are Killing Church Attendance

A few key attitudes are leading to an unbiblical devaluing of regular church attendance.

Why People Stay at a Church—and Why They Leave

LifeWay Research: The more people go to church, the more committed they are to attending their same church in the future.

Church Attendance Is Dying. Here’s What’s Next.

Consumers are leaving church in droves and attendance is dropping. Here's how that will shape the church's future.