Luke Norsworthy: Befriending Your Monsters

Befriending Your Monsters: Facing the Darkness of Your Fears to Experience the Light
(Baker, 2020)

WHO: Luke Norsworthy, podcaster and senior minister at Westover Hills Church of Christ.

HE SAYS: “What do we do when our monsters are revealed?”

THE BIG IDEA: The way to defeat the three main monsters of the spiritual life—comparison, success and more—is to confront them, which leads to the life God has in store for us.

Section 1, “Meeting Monsters,” looks at the monsters in our life and what to do about them. Section 2, “The Three Universal Monsters,” examines comparison, success and more—and the destructive power they have in our relationship with God.
The book concludes with Section 3, “The Monster-Friendly Life.” The author presents how these monsters are warning signs that you need to have a deeper connection with God.

“Accept that grace rarely gets rid of the monsters once for all, but trust that grace is enough to sustain you one day at a time.”

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Luke Norsworthy
Luke Norsworthy

Luke Norsworthy is the senior minister of Westover Hills Church of Christ in Austin, Texas. He is the host of the popular Newsworthy with Norsworthy podcast and the author of Befriending Your Monsters (Baker Books).