Tag: comparison

Rejoice in the Church God Has Given You

Comparing your church to other churches simply for the sake of comparison only breeds jealousy and ingratitude.

Avoiding the Comparison Trap

It is hard to lead a small church or a young church. Perhaps it is even more challenging today than it once was. Church...

Luke Norsworthy: Befriending Your Monsters

Facing the Darkness of Your Fears to Experience the Light (Baker Books)

The Monster of Success

Excerpted FromBefriending Your MonstersBy Luke Norsworthy I once stood at the front of Randy’s Monday night preaching class after delivering a fake sermon. After a...

Stop Playing the Comparison Game

Playing the comparison game steals our joy and leaves us feeling ungrateful for where God has us. But how do we stop?

The Danger of Comparison in Marriage

"Set down the comparison that has robbed you of joy. Trust that Jesus is enough."