Alan Briggs

Alan Briggs, an Outreach magazine contributing editor, is crazy about helping kingdom leaders uncover clarity, courage and health. He is a leadership coach, sabbatical coach, writer and podcaster. His experience as a pastor and church planting catalyst inform all of his work. Join the conversation at Stay Forth Leadership Podcast

Giving Your Struggles a Name

“We can't make progress until we make sense.”

Running on Empty: Stop Burnout Before It Starts

Don’t wait until you’re concerned about your health, disengaged from your family or resentful toward your congregants to make a change.

The Value of Wise Counsel Through Coaching

“Good coaching sits at the intersection of the sacred work you are called to and the practical challenges you are facing.”

Roots Before Fruit

“Our identity as daughters and sons is more important than our impact as leaders.”

Finding Clarity

“Activity is not the same as productivity. We need to figure out what the right things are.”

Alan Briggs: Why Busy Isn’t Best

If we’re going to slow down and become more present to families, teams and congregations, we must make a shift from an efficiency mindset to an effectiveness mindset.

Alan Briggs: Is Bigger Actually Better?

A larger church can have a bigger impact, but that isn’t a given. So, is having a larger church really better?

Alan Briggs: The Paralysis of Perfection

Lately I’ve been noticing two competing ideas in organizations: creativity and excellence. Of course, we need innovative solutions to problems. Count me in for more creativity. It’s the excellence piece that can trip us up.