Angie Ward: When Women Discover the Joy of Their Calling

I Am a Leader: When Women Discover the Joy of Their Calling
(NavPress, 2020)

WHO: Angie Ward, a leader, poplar speaker and college instructor.

SHE SAYS: “Leadership can be a calling to a role, but it can also be a calling to responsibility as a person of some type of influence.”

THE BIG IDEA: Defines what leadership is, specifically for women.

In seven chapters, the author provides encouragement to women in following their calling to lead in whatever context they are in.

“We should focus on clarifying—seeking God’s direction about our own calling and helping other women discover theirs.”

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Angie Ward
Angie Ward

Angie Ward is a leadership teacher and writer with over 30 years of ministry experience in church, parachurch, nonprofit and educational contexts.