Mary Jo Sharp: Why I Still Believe

Why I Still Believe: A Former Atheist’s Reckoning With the Bad Reputation Christians Give a Good God
(Zondervan, 2019)

WHO: Mary Jo Sharp, assistant professor of apologetics at Houston Baptist University, and founder and director of Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry.

SHE SAYS: “If you feel the ever-present tension of the beauty of salvation alongside the ugliness of human hypocrisy and evil, you’re not alone.”

THE BIG IDEA: The hypocrisy of Christians cannot negate God’s goodness or Christ’s work on the cross.

In 12 chapters the author details what she calls her personal “anti-deconversion story” of why she began to doubt and the arguments that led her back to faith.

“The thing that makes the most sense of the internal needs of humanity and of human reasoning as trustworthy is the existence of God.”

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Mary Jo Sharp
Mary Jo Sharp

Mary Jo Sharp is an assistant professor at Houston Baptist University and the first woman to become a Certified Apologetics Instructor through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Sharp holds a master’s degree in Christian apologetics from Biola University and is a founder of the website Confident Christianity.