
Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

Everyday Evangelism

It all starts with a simple prayer to bring someone along your path today with whom you can share.

Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

Kevin Myers: Grown-Up Faith

The Big Picture for a Bigger Life

Will We Trust God’s Timing and Provision?

God doesn't work on our timetable and doesn't always provide in the ways we expect, but will we trust him anyway?

Richard Mouw: Restless Faith

Holding Evangelical Beliefs in a World of Contested Labels

Understanding the Nature of Christ’s Atonement

Was Christ's work on the cross vertical, horizontal or both?

11 Books Every Leader Should Read

Each of these books has been instrumental in my development as a leader and has principles I return to frequently.

Drew Dyck: Your Future Self Will Thank You

Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science (A Guide for Sinners, Quitters, and Procrastinators)

Strategies for Self-Control in the Digital Era

Here are some tools I've found helpful to keep digital media from derailing my day.

3 Characteristics of Biblically Qualified Elders

Growing in these characteristics is the mark of a good candidate.