Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom
(Baker, 2018)
WHO: Frank Viola, a blogger and author.
THEY SAY: “The insurgence that Jesus Christ began 2,000 years ago when he rose again from the dead is here. Now. But it must be implement in and through the Lord’s true followers. We are not simply the beneficiaries of the insurgence; we are called to be its agents.”
THE BIG IDEA: Christians today can’t muster the same allegiance and enthusiasm to the gospel that is often found in radical terrorists. This book is a call to exchange religious duty to a dynamic, living gospel.
Divided into six sections, this book begins with “Three Different Gospels,” examines false gospels people often follow and the one true gospel of Jesus. Part 2, “Unveiling the King’s Beauty,” explores the beauty of Christ as he really is. When we see him as he is, we will want to give him our lives.
“The Gospel of the Kingdom” is Part 3, an examination of Jesus’ message stripped of the legalism people have added over time. Part 4 is “Entering and Enjoying the Kingdom,” a practical application of the gospel.
“Our Glorious Liberty” is Part 5. It explores our fully orbed freedom in Christ. The book concludes with “Advancing the Kingdom,” a discussion of how the kingdom advances based on Scripture.
“The call of the insurgence is to forsake all and follow the new king and his peaceable kingdom, which is here now but will come in full someday.”
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