The Yes Effect

The Yes Effect
Accepting God’s Invitation to Transform the World Around You
(Moody Publishers, 2017)

WHO: Luis Bush, international facilitator of Transform World Connections.

HE SAYS: “True transformation is sparked when we reorient our hearts, get in sync with God’s tenderness toward the oppressed and regain compassion for the lost. We let the Lord work in us, and then we can’t help but join the work he is doing in the world around us.”

THE BIG IDEA: God is inviting you to expand the goodness of his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. He is inviting you to watch the most beautiful chain reactions of transformation unfold as a result of saying yes to him, even in the smallest of ways.

This collection of stories begins by explaining the importance of saying yes to God. In each story the long-lasting and life-giving consequences of getting off the couch and doing in the needy parts of the world are shared.
These accounts will inspire readers to reexamine their commitments and look anew at where God is at work—and join him.

“Do you want to change the way your heart beats? Then put your treasure where you want your heart to be. Invest your time, energy, and resources, even in some small way before you feel like it, and your attention will automatically be drawn to that need. Compassion and a renewed sense of momentum will come.”

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“A practical guide to living into the kind of kingdom action that transforms culture for good. Bush’s book gives fresh vision for the transformative power we can have when we fix our energy on God’s work in the world around us.”

Evaluated by R. York Moore, national evangelist for InterVarsity USA and author of Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away: Telling the Gospel Story with Grace and Passion and Making All Things New: God’s Dream for Global Justice.