12 Faithful Men

12 Faithful Men
Portraits of Courageous Endurance in Pastoral Ministry
(Baker, 2018)

WHO: Collin Hansen, editorial director for The Gospel Coalition, and Jeff Robinson, senior editor for The Gospel Coalition.

THEY SAY: “When a man leaves safe harbor and guides his vessel into the tumultuous sea of pastoral ministry, he never knows which director the waves may take him.”

THE BIG IDEA: By presenting the life stories of 12 inspirational Christians, the editors hope to encourage pastors and ministry leaders to discover the power of grace-driven endurance in the face of suffering.

This collection of profiles starts with the apostle Paul then follows with John Calvin, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards and John Newton.
The next set of profiles include Charles Simone, John Chavis, C.H. Spurgeon, J.C. Ryle, Janani Luwum and Wang Ming-Dao.

“Leaders in the church must always be vigilant to cling to the good news of Jesus Christ, not only as a preventative against sin but also when repentance and restoration are needed when we do fall short.”

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