Tag: Phil Cooke

When a Crisis Happens in Your Church

God is a good God. The healing of your congregation can happen. But taking the right steps from the beginning will make a big difference.

5 Tips for a Short Missions Presentation

The time allotted for missionaries to share with churches is shrinking. Here's how to maximize the time you're given.

5 Creative Leaders Share Their Secrets

How to get the most out of your team and inspire them to creativity and productivity.

Don’t Affirm Talent Over Character

You may have the talent, but do you have the will to act? Do you have the will to make the hard choices? The ethical choices? The sacrificial choices?

Sparking a Genuine Interest in Jesus

It’s not about defending the faith anymore; it’s about sparking a genuine interest in it.

Make Your Point, and Let It Go

From discussions to outright debates, know when you’ve made your point.

The Case for Trained Security at Church

The truth is that highly trained security professionals can be invisible to the congregation if that makes you more comfortable.

Resilience: Bouncing Back From Adversity and Failure

Sometimes, we wallow in our failure or rejection in an effort to understand it. But often, it’s just a matter of timing, chemistry, or circumstance.